Bring a new sense of creative capability to your serging with the Baby Lock Accolade serger. Combine chain and overlock stitches to form stitches with up to eight threads. ExtraordinAir® threading takes your thread through all three loopers at once, instantly, with a gust of air. Plus, Accolade’s presser foot features a 6mm height that makes serging on thicker fabrics a breeze!
The Baby Lock Accolade serger's top features include:
- Easy push button looper threading
- 8/7/6 thread serging - 87 stitch combinations including the exclusive Wave Stitch
- No tension adjustments
- 3 bright LED lights
- Full featured differential feed
- Adjustable presser foot height up to 6MM
This machine can be picked up in-store, or shipping can be arranged. After purchasing this machine the Inspired to Sew shipping team will reach out with the shipping options available. All shipping fees, including optional insurance will be at the expense of the buyer, and must be paid prior to shipping.